Friday, February 15, 2013

Bronchial Asthma Symptoms

Bronchial Asthma Symptoms

Bronchial asthma is a serious medical condition in which the bronchioles (airways) in the lung are constricted due to inflammation, making it difficult to get sufficient oxygen into the lungs. Asthma attacks, which occur when the bronchioles spasm, require immediate medical attention. Left untreated, an asthma attack can lead to death.


There are many different symptoms of asthma, some of which may be seen on a regular basis (chronic) and others (acute) which may only be evident during a flare-up, or asthma attack.

Chronic Symptoms

Asthma sufferers often experience shortness of breath upon exertion or when exposed to certain triggers such as allergens, or may have a characteristic wheezing sound when catching their breath. People with asthma are more likely than the general population to have exacerbating problems such as allergies and immune problems, and are more prone to serious respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Acute Symptoms

During an asthma attack, a person experiences severe difficulty breathing. She may begin coughing and wheezing, and will have difficulty catching her breath. It is important to get immediate treatment at the outset of any asthma attack that doesn't respond to home treatment to prevent life-threatening complications.

Home Treatment

Most people with mild to moderate asthma will be able to effectively control the symptoms with prescription medications and lifestyle choices. Some asthmatics require daily maintenance medications, which are administered via an inhaler directly into the lungs. Emergency inhaler medications are prescribed to be used in case of an asthma attack, and work to open the airways.

Emergency Treatment

Where self-treatment has not stopped an asthma attack, medical intervention should be sought as soon as possible. Hospital emergency personnel can administer treatments via inhalation and give oxygen where indicated, as well as monitor blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.

Tags: asthma attack, Asthma Symptoms, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchial Asthma Symptoms, into lungs