Monday, March 4, 2013

Dexatrim Side Effects

Dexatrim or Phenylpropanolamine is a popular over the counter drug used for weight loss. However Dexatrim is actually a medication that is used by physicians to treat nasal congestion and a variety of respiratory illnesses. Dexatrim, like any medication can have side effects and cause serious health problems if it is used incorrectly. Since the effectiveness of this drug for weight loss has not been proven, you need to carefully consider the risks versus any potential benefits.


Many of these diet pills work by artificially stimulating your metabolism. While this may initially burn some calories and cause slight weight loss, you are overstimulating your nervous system which can lead to serious health problems.

Minor Side Effects

If you take Dexatrim you may experience dizziness, dry mouth, headache or upset stomach. A loss of appetite, anxiety and difficulty sleeping may also occur.

Other Common Side Effects

Some people who take Dextarim have experienced irregular heart beats, high blood pressure, rash, nasal congestion, nervousness or vision problems.

Serious Side Effects

You need to see your doctor if you experience significant mental or mood changes, difficulty urinating, unusually fast heart beat or sensations of a racing heart.

Life Threatening Side Effects

If while taking Dexatrim you experience any of the following you need to get immediate medical attention. This includes sudden weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, chest pain or confusion. These are all symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Too high of a dose can also bring on seizures.


This drug is not meant to be taken on a long term basis and is not an effective way to lose weight. Once you stop taking the drug your metabolism will slow back down and you will most likely regain the weight you lost. Cutting calories and exercise are the sure fire way to lose weight safely and more importantly keep it off.

Tags: Side Effects, weight loss, Dexatrim experience, health problems, lose weight, nasal congestion