Monday, April 9, 2012

Tell If You Have A Damaged Liver

Excessive, long-term drinking can cause liver damage

The liver is a unique organ in that it has the ability to regenerate itself. In acute situations, such as acetaminophen overdose, the ingestion of poisonous wild mushrooms and certain viral infections, the liver will reverse the damage with the help of time and medications. In chronic situations, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, hemochromatosis and malnutrition, the liver may be so severely damaged that saving a portion of it or a total transplant are the only options. Getting treatment early by seeing your doctor and being aware of the symptoms of liver damage is the key to a successful outcome.


1. Talk to your doctor about running some tests to check for liver damage. The doctor will do one or all of the following: a physical exam, liver-function and CBC blood tests, and an imaging test of the abdomen such as a CT scan or ultrasound. All of these tests will help in diagnosing the amount of damage that has been done to the liver and clarify any treatment options.

2. Avoid alcohol if you suspect you have liver damage. Alcohol is one of the main causes of a damaged liver. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and drinking will exacerbate the problem.

3. Inspect your body for signs of liver damage. Yellow bumps around the eyes, fingers that curl upward, red palms, a swollen abdomen and spider-like blood vessels on the skin are all signs of possible liver damage. See your doctor if you notice any of these signs.

4. Weigh yourself to see if you are losing weight. Weight loss, poor appetite, and feeling sick and weak are symptoms of liver damage. Talk with your doctor if you notice these symptoms.

5. Check your stools for signs of liver damage. If your stools look greasy and smell foul, it could be due to liver damage. Bile backing up in the liver causes a lack of absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins in the body, causing oily stools.

Tags: liver damage, your doctor, damage your, doctor notice, doctor notice these, liver damage your