Thursday, March 19, 2009

Use Folk Remedies To Ease Indigestion

Folk remedies have been used for many years to help the sick or ailing. Alternative medicine is based on the old way of practicing medicine that your ancestors used. Have you ever heard of using an aspirin on a bee sting? That is an example of folk medicine.


1. Boil a cup of water on the stove until rolling. Add peppermint extract to taste into your cup and fill with the boiling water. When cooled, will make an excellent indigestion tea.

2. Boil a cup of water on the stove. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to this and drink after you eat to prevent indigestion and heartburn.

3. Drink 1 teaspoon of vinegar to relieve heartburn caused by lack of acid in your stomach. You can chase this with a glass of water if you choose, but it is not required.

4. Eat 1 whole stick of black licorice to naturally eliminate the indigestion you are having. This is the most natural way to cure, as there is no high blood pressure or added calcium such as what is found in the average OTC medications.

Tags: Boil water, Boil water stove, water stove