Thursday, April 9, 2009

Breath While Running

Working to improve your breathing will make you a better runner. Proper breathing allows more oxygen into the lungs and muscles which greatly increases endurance and will generally make your runs much more enjoyable. This guide will provide you with an overview of proper breathing techniques while running.


Breathe While Running

1. It is very important to breathe in rhythm with your running. Try going going through a complete breath cycle every six to eight steps. Inhale for three to four steps and exhale for three to four steps. This process is called cadence breathing.

2. Cadence breathing works best when you choose a foot upon which to begin the breathing cycles. Try starting with your left or right foot to see which one feels most comfortable. The cycle begins when the foot strikes the ground.

3. When you inhale be sure to gradually expand your entire diaphragm with over three or four steps. Focus on taking deep diaphragm filling breaths, not just short gasps with your lungs.

4. You should exhale similarly. Contract your diaphragm and gradually expel the air over three or four steps as opposed to short shallow exhalations.

Tags: four steps, three four, three four steps, with your, over three, over three four