Friday, April 24, 2009

Health Effects Of Tanning Beds

We often hear about indoor tanning salons and the harm it will do to our skin, but we rarely hear about the ways it will benefit us. Indoor tanning salons can be found in most towns, and have become more popular because of their convenience. You can get a bronze tan in a few short sessions a week.

Minimizing Eczema

A few short sessions a week may decrease the rash and itchiness of eczema because of Vitamin D in the ultraviolet (UV) rays. For those with eczema, a stand-up bed is recommended because then UV rays will be equally around the body without laying down on any affected part of your body.

Decreasing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

You may develop SAD if you have limited exposure to the sun's ray's during the winter months.Tanning helps you increase exposure to ultraviolet rays, and can decrease SAD symptoms of depression, insomnia and carbohydrate cravings.

Prevents Sunburns

Tanning salons are educating their clients that moderate tanning will be relaxing and prevent sunburns. Clients that tan in salons are 81 percent less likely to burn than those who tan outside in the sun.

Strengthening Bones

The Vitamin D3 in the UV rays aids your body in absorbing calcium and building stronger bones, helping to prevent osteoporosis. Because so many people suffer from Vitamin D deficiencies, they often consider indoor tanning.

Stress-Free Relaxation

Some go tanning to relax and tan indoors because it is easier to moderate it responsibly than tanning outside. There can also be a mood boost when skin is glowing, and there is the appearance of looking thinner and healthier.

Tags: hear about, sessions week, short sessions, short sessions week, tanning salons, ultraviolet rays, your body