Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tips To Calm Frizzy Hair

Calm frizzy hair with a few tricks.

Frizzy hair is usually the result of hair that is overly dry and unable to hold in moisture. This could be a natural condition or caused by over-treating with chemicals in permanents and hair dyes. Beauticians have a few tips to calm frizzy hair that you can follow to make your hair more manageable and sleek.


Trim your hair at least every two months to keep frizzy hair under control. Frizzy hair is usually more fragile and can easily break into split ends, which cause even more frizzing. A layered haircut works well with frizzy hair, as it helps your hair keep its shape.


Moisturize your hair every time you shampoo. There are products on the market specifically created to tame the frizzies, or you can just choose shampoos and conditioners that do not have alcohol or large amounts of sodium lauryl sulfate, as these are drying agents that can make hair frizzy. Apply a hot-oil treatment every one to two weeks during dry winter months. Use cold water for your final rinse when shampooing, as this might help your hair cuticles to lie flat.


Smooth your frizzy hair by applying a small amount of hair product such as VO5 or shea butter. Apply the product starting at the frizzy ends and working up the hair. Avoid the roots, which are naturally oily. Don't use too much, or your hair will feel heavy, clump together or look greasy.


Roll your hair in extra large curlers while it is wet. After it is dry your hair should be straighter and sleek with a little bounce. When blow-drying use a large brush and position the hair dryer to blow in a downward position only. Waving the dryer so the air flows up the strands of hair will cause the frizzies to fluff out. It is best to avoid using a brush on dry hair; style it with a pick or large-toothed comb. To turn frizzy hair into curly hair, comb wet hair then scrunch it up with your fingers and let it air dry.


Protect your hair from the elements in the same way you protect your skin. Wear a hat when out in the sun, and cover your hair with a scarf if the wind is blowing. Use extra moisturizer during winter months. Avoid prolonged contact with chlorinated water. If you spend a lot of time in the swimming pool, wear a swim cap. These protective tips to calm frizzy hair will prevent excess drying, which is the primary cause of frizzies.

Tags: tips, calm, frizzy, hair, your hair, frizzy hair, hair will, cause frizzies, during winter, during winter months, Frizzy hair usually