Saturday, February 15, 2014

Kill Mold Before Painting

Not only is mold unsightly, but it has also been rumored to cause several health problems. One cannot ignore a mold problem; it will just spread, making the situation worse. Below are some suggestions to rid a house of mold contamination.


Kill the Mold

1. Use a sponge to apply a mixture of 1 cup chlorine bleach per 1 gallon water to the moldy area. Making sure not to over saturate the drywall, gently rub the mold with the sponge.

2. Allow the area to dry thoroughly. Dry area faster by positioning a fan to blow on the moldy area.

3. Apply a coat of Kilz primer over area where mold was removed. The Kilz will ensure that the remaining mold stain does not seep through the paint. Let primer dry overnight. Repeat Kilz application until no stain can be seen.

4. Buy a biocide as an alternative to the bleach and water mixture. A biocide is a strong mold killer and is registered through the Environmental Protection Agency.

Ensure the Mold Does Not Return

5. Locate the source of the moisture causing the mold. Leaky pipes or poor ventilation are popular culprits for water problems. Call a plumber to inspect pipes throughout the house.

6. Once mold is located, thoroughly clean with one of the methods above. If mold is not completely removed and killed, it will return.

7. Purchase a dehumidifier. Some models contain HEPA filters that ensure the air is free of mold spores.

Tips Warnings

Never mix cleaning agents. The resulting fumes can be toxic. One extremely toxic mixture is ammonia and bleach.

Wear gloves and a HEPA filter mask to keep from inhaling mold spores.

Tags: kill, mold, Kill Mold, mold spores, moldy area